Programme specification

Széchenyi István University

BA in International Relations



Aims of the course

The undergraduate programme in International Relations is for individuals who are sensitive to global problems, open to other cultures, and are prepared to handle a broad range of evidence and analyse complex issues. They are also able to understand and interpret complexity, present arguments in a clear, concise and effective manner in English. The International Relations BA course is designed to enhance global perspectives and to learn how the world works. It also provides students with the knowledge of how to employ up-to-date theories, methods, and approaches. A multidisciplinary and flexible programme and the quality of education combine a wide range of courses in international relations, history, economics, political science, foreign languages, sociology and regional studies, among other disciplines. The programme trains the students to be well informed about the generally accepted tendencies, characteristics and data on universal political, economic and cultural phenomena. Thus, they have deeper insights into and understanding of relations of various nations and cultures.

 Career opportunities

The programme prepares students for leadership and service in the international or national diplomatic, professional, business, and academic communities. A degree of International Relations enables graduates to deal with international contacts in government, a global corporation or a nongovernmental organization: e.g. member of the country’s Foreign service, consultant for a multilateral organisation, development expert in nongovernmental organizations.

 Other opportunities available

-        Internship in various companies inside and outside the region

-        Student mobility opportunities inside and outside Europe



International Conference on TESIC in the Changing World 2025. Május 22. - 2025. Május 24.